Arts & Artists


This is what we have compiled so far for resources about Arts & Artists in your Lutheran homeschool.

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This is what we have compiled so far for resources about Arts & Artists in your Lutheran homeschool.

Kelly Schumacher, the Lutheran artist behind Agnus Dei Liturgical Art, now offers art lessons! She is AMAZING and is willing to do it via Internet. (She has married, though, so I’m not sure whether she’ll switch her last name all the various places she has her maiden name, Schumacher.) 🙂

Deb Herman, a retired Lutheran professor from Concordia University Chicago, sells art history lessons here. Her program is called Artists and Their Art: Sharing Visual StoriesThere are 80 lessons, spanning grades 1 through 8, and you can see the artists she highlights from that page!

A non-Lutheran but still high quality resource is,  which offers a free downloadable product every month. There are a LOT of options here, between the freebies & purchase options, including Daily Art, Art Appreciation, Bible Art, Composers, Sound Bites, Jazz and all sorts of things.

Another non-Lutheran option is the Masterpiece Society, which gains family access to courses & art lessons for a monthly fee.

Plus, look up art museums that offer virtual tours! Also, there are many great art books.

Let us know if you come across more! We’re still forming these compiled lists of resources!



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